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Essential Items to Have When Going Off the Grid

It doesn’t matter if you are saying so-long to society for an extended campout or have decided to start living off the grid; there are a few things to consider. If you want to ensure you have everything you need when living off the grid, you have to have a few essential items. Keep reading to learn what these essentials are.

Large-Capacity Water Filter

If you don’t have clean water, you won’t last very long. While you can bring along several gallons of water, eventually, you will have to have a way to refill them. At some point, you need a way to generate clean, freshwater.

The best way to do this is by investing in a quality water filtration device. If you want to make sure you have adequate water for the foreseeable future, skip the personal-sized filters. Instead, get a system that is designed for several people.

Lighting Options

Being in the wilderness, on your own, means you are going to be in the dark – a lot. Now is the time to think about how you will “light up the night.” One of the best, most sustainable, self-contained options is solar power.

It is also a good idea to have a flashlight and lanterns on hand. Candles are great to have and a solar power generator. If all else fails, make a fire.

Reliable Fire Starters

Speaking of fire, you need to make sure you have a way to get one started. Remember, matches are single-use, and lighters will eventually run out of fuel. As a result, you must have a fire starter on hand. This is a must-have tool for anyone who is going off the grid. There are more than a few options to choose from, and most survivalists recommend getting more than one and different types. This is going to help ensure you can start a fire when you need it.

Shelf Stable Food

You have food options in the wilderness – you can fish, hunt, and plant a garden. While this is great, your efforts may not always be successful. When this happens, you need something to get by, which is where shelf-stable food comes in. Today, you can find a huge selection of shelf-stable food that will ensure you have something to eat with your wilderness efforts are unsuccessful.

Grill That Doesn’t Need Fuel

Cooking over your campfire is amazing. However, this won’t always be possible. As a result, having a wood-burning grill is a must. This will ensure you can cook your food, even if it is raining outside.

As you can see, there are several must-have items for living off the grid. If you plan this as your new lifestyle, be sure to purchase these items to have everything you need. In the end, if you have these items, you are going to find living off the grid is not only possible but something that is everything you hoped it would be.

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