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How to Get Your Home Solar Panels Ready For Winter

Over 2 million homes in the United States have solar panels. If you have solar panels attached to your home, keeping them functional should be your main priority. Without the right amount of maintenance, your new solar panels will start to experience damage. Rather than allowing this investment to fall into a state of disrepair, you need to work with professionals to keep them in good shape.

As winter approaches, homeowners around the country are working hard to get their properties ready for colder temperatures. If you are trying to keep your solar panels running efficiently this winter, consider the great tips in this article.

Find Ways to Reduce The Strain On Your Solar Panels

During the winter months, homeowners run their heating units on a round the clock basis. While running this heating system will keep your home warm, it can also lead to a lot of energy being consumed. If you want to avoid putting a strain on your solar panels, you need to find ways to reduce the amount of heat escaping from your home.

Accomplishing this goal will require you to do things like seal up drafts and invest in new insulation. Performing an in-depth energy audit is crucial when trying to uncover sources of energy waste in your home. While fixing these common energy-efficiency problems will be costly, it is worth the investment. A home that is well-sealed will be warmer and will also consume far less energy.

Have Your Batteries Checked and Changed If Needed

Residential solar energy systems have a number of batteries designed to store the energy harnessed from the sun. If these batteries are not checked and maintained regularly, it is only a matter of time before they malfunction. Allowing a solar power professional to check your batteries before the cold temperatures of winter arrive is a must.

During this inspection, a professional will be able to check your battery temperature and make any adjustments that are needed. If one or more of your batteries is unable to pass a load test, replacing them is your best bet. Professionals should have no problem getting this type of maintenance done for an affordable price.

Be Smart About Your Energy Usage

During the winter months, days filled with endless sunshine will become a rarity. This means your solar panels will not be able to harness as much energy. If you want to avoid depleting the backup power in your batteries, you need to think about the way you are using energy.

Leaving lights in rooms that no one is using or allowing electronics to stay on all day can waste a lot of energy. By making a few adjustments, you can avoid wasting energy in your home during the winter.

We Are Here to Help!

If you are looking to invest in residential solar panels, it is time to contact PV Electrical Group Inc. With our help, you can get new solar panels installed in no time.

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